0.9 (Fri May 9 15:56:43 GSD 1997) --- Perform reverse resolving (logging only) # backresolv Log pid: # pid-file /var/run/binkd.pid Sometimes binkd reported "secure session" but used non-secure inbound Binkd could not rename files with `#' in their names after receiving (Reported by Andrew Sukhorukov) Some minor bugs fixed Added command line options: -i run from inetd (OS/2 or *IX only) (*IX: don't forget to turn `printq', `conlog' and `percents' OFF when running from inetd -- binkd'll not take care about this itself!!!) -c start clientmgr only -p start clientmgr only, make polls, quit if the queue seems to be empty after the next rescan -s start servmgr only Changes based on patch by Boris Tobotras -- 1) you can now use service names (as in /etc/services) with iport/oport 2) before using 24554 as the default port number, binkd will try to find "binkp" entry in /etc/services database first Binkd/0.8.5+ used to lose netmail under UNIXs sometimes and left .pkt's as .dt under OS/2, NT, etc. :-( Fixed. (Many reports) Added syslog support -- to use it you need to make binkd with HAVE_VSYSLOG defined and add syslog facility name to config: # syslog local0 (Based on patch by Boris Tobotras) Binkd could create a poll in *.olo instead of *.flo (Reported by Dmitry Baronov and John Gladkih) Now binkd will touch it's *.bsy's aprox. every 60 seconds. (Binkd changes *.bsy's m- and atimes only!) Extended the syntax of the Node statement: # node [[z:]n/]n[.p] [-nr] [{host[:port]|-} [{pwd|-} [flavour [{obox|-} [{ibox|-}]]]]] `-nr' stands for `Not Reliable Link', this works only on outbound calls with another binkp/1.1 mailer. The option solves the only problem with binkd having no enough time to start receiving of a file from non-zero offset before IP link's down, so don't use it unless you have this problem -- really not effective Map paths in flo's: # ftrans old-string new-string eg, # ftrans "D:\\fido\\outbound" "/var/spool/fido/outb" ftrans "\\" "/" # this replaces all slashes in a path Use as many ftrans's as you want. New keyword: # exec command wildcard ... Binkd will run the command if one of wildcards matches a rcvd file. *S in the command line will expand in a full path for a S.R.I.F file, see !SRIF.TXT for details, eg. # exec "my-freq-processor.exe /options *S" *.req (Not really tested) Fixed hang-ups in EMX version. May be. (John Gladkih)